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Copyright © Gjesteheim Havdal AS 2022.  All right reserved.
This is a fine place for families with or without children, hikers and fishers to enjoy the beautiful nature in this part of Norway and a great starting point for walking, fishing and other activities.
Gjesteheim Haval an ideal base for a nice day out in the nature or for a nice overnight stay after a long journey.

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The landscape is varied and consists of mountains, green valleys and many lakes. Take a long quiet day hike or look for more excitement in the mountains.

The hiking season starts after the snow has melted around the end of May and ends with the first snowfall around mid-October. Not only in summer you will experience a nice walking holiday here, but also in spring (early June) and autumn (late August and September). The gray ground gives way to a sea of flowers in the spring and in the autumn the green colors of summer change into beautiful autumn shades.

A walk to the peaks is doable for families with children.

In addition to the peaceful day trips are there also also exciting hikes and short family-friendly walks.
If you stay with us for a week, we can help you with findng nice hikes.

A car ride in this region that you should definitely do is the drive to Røros, the atlantic road or a trip to Trondheim.